

Probiotics :What do probiotics do? , What are probiotic strains?

Probiotics, like acidophilus, are microorganisms that are thought to be beneficial to the human host. The digestive tract is home to trillions of microorganisms. Some of these are good for us, some are harmful and some are neutral. The term 'probiotics' describes the beneficial microorganisms which take on a number of tasks. The main one is to crowd out harmful bacteria in order to keep your gut healthy. With around 70% of your immune system based in your gut1, gut health is a key factor to our overall wellbeing.
Probiotic strains under the microscope - from left to right: B. lactis BB-12, L. acidophilus LA-05 and B. infantis Rosell-33
Probiotics are also known as friendly or good bacteria. But if we're being specific, it's worth pointing out that some probiotics are actually yeasts.

What do probiotics do?
Probiotics are thought to support immunity by stimulating the body’s natural defences, and by lining the intestines with a protective layer of friendly bacteria that bars pathogenic substances in the gut from harming the body. As two-thirds of the body's immune system is managed in the gut, it may be important to keep one's probiotic levels high.
Research shows that probiotics support digestive health by producing specific enzymes needed in the digestion of food and aiding the break down of foods substances.
Probiotics are also believed to improve the absorption of vitamins & minerals into the bloodstream, and even produce B complex vitamins & vitamin K.

What are probiotic strains?
Not all probiotics are the same. Research shows that different probiotic strains can help support different areas of health.

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